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Weeping angel

Weeping angel

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Weeping angel, Statue in France

The Weeping Angel is a funerary sculpture on the tomb of the family de La Ville Sur Illon.

It represents a deep cultural connection to themes of grief and remembrance.

Visitors can view the sculpture at the Cemetery of Lachaise in France.

Known for its emotive power, the statue draws numerous visitors yearly.

Source: Wikimedia


Weeping angel Statue in France

France 0 m
Weeping angel
Weeping angel Statue in France
France 0 m
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Tomb of Bishop Ferry de Beauvoir Monument within the Amiens Cathedral
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Chapelle des Macchabées d'Amiens Chapel located in Somme, in France
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Notre-Dame d'Amiens Cathedral in Amiens, France
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Palais épiscopal d'Amiens
Palais épiscopal d'Amiens Episcopal palace located in Amiens, in Somme, in France
France 86 m
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