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Tour Notre-Dame-du-Val, tour à Provins (Seine-et-Marne)

Welcome to Provins, France! As a tourist guide, I am excited to take you on a journey to explore the historic Tour Notre-Dame-du-Val. Located in the lower town of Provins, in the Seine-et-Marne region, the Tour Notre-Dame-du-Val is a tower that stands at the intersection of Rue Notre-Dame and Rue Vieille-Notre-Dame. It is the only remaining vestige of the Notre-Dame-du-Val collegiate church, which was destroyed during the French Revolution. The tower's bells were salvaged from the Saint-Ayoul church. The Tour Notre-Dame-du-Val has been classified as a historical monument since 1905, and the facades and roofs of the adjacent building were also classified in 1937. This tower is a true gem of Provins' architectural heritage, and it is definitely worth a visit. If you are interested in learning more about the history and architecture of the Tour Notre-Dame-du-Val, I recommend checking out "Les monuments de Seine-et-Marne" by Amédée Aufauvre and Charles Fichot. This book provides a detailed description of the tower and other religious, military, and civil buildings in the region. In addition, if you want to explore other historical monuments in Provins, I suggest visiting the nearby Saint-Ayoul church, which is also a listed historical monument. You can find more information about this church on the Clochers de France website. For those who are passionate about architecture, the Mérimée website is an excellent resource for discovering the architectural heritage of France. You can find more information about the Tour Notre-Dame-du-Val and other historical monuments in Provins on this website. Finally, if you want to see the tower's location on a map, you can check out the Tour Notre-Dame-du-Val page on OpenStreetMap. I hope this touristic guide has been helpful in planning your visit to the Tour Notre-Dame-du-Val in Provins, France. Enjoy your trip!

Location: Provins

Address: rue Notre-Dame-du-Val

Source: Wikimedia


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Tour Notre-Dame-du-Val
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« Tour Notre-Dame-du-Val - tour à Provins (Seine-et-Marne) » is provided by Around.Us ( Images and texts are derived from Wikimedia project under a Creative Commons license. You are allowed to copy, distribute, and modify copies of this page, under the conditions set by the license, as long as this note is clearly visible.