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Roman amphitheatre of Lucca, Roman amphitheatre in Lucca, Italy

Welcome to the beautiful city of Lucca, Italy! As a tourist guide, I am excited to take you on a journey back in time to explore the ancient Roman amphitheater. The Lucca Amphitheater is a remarkable piece of history that dates back to the 2nd or 1st century BC. It was built by the Romans and has been preserved over the years, despite being covered with houses that were built on top of its grandstands. The only remaining evidence of the amphitheater is the elliptical shape of the amphitheater square. As we walk through the streets of Lucca, we will make our way to the amphitheater square, where you can see the remnants of this magnificent structure. You will be amazed at how well-preserved it is, considering its age and the fact that it has been covered with buildings for centuries. While the Lucca Amphitheater is not as large as some of the other Roman amphitheaters, such as the Colosseum in Rome, it is still an impressive sight to behold. You can imagine the excitement and energy that filled the air during the gladiator games and other events that took place here. As we explore the amphitheater square, I will share with you the fascinating history of this ancient structure. You will learn about the different types of events that were held here, including gladiator battles, animal hunts, and public executions. After our tour of the amphitheater, we can continue our exploration of Lucca, which is known for its charming old town, medieval walls, and beautiful churches. You can also indulge in some delicious Italian cuisine at one of the many restaurants in the area. In conclusion, the Lucca Amphitheater is a must-see attraction for anyone visiting this beautiful city. Its rich history and impressive architecture are sure to leave a lasting impression on you. So, come and join me on this journey back in time to explore the wonders of the ancient Roman world.

Location: Lucca

Source: Wikimedia


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