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Monumento ai Caduti, memoriale di San Giuliano Terme

Location: San Giuliano Terme

Address: Piazza San Luigi ‒ 56017 San Giuliano Terme (PI) 56017

Sources: Wikimedia, OpenStreetMap


Monumento ai Caduti Memoriale di San Giuliano Terme

Italy 0 m
Monumento ai Caduti
Monumento ai Caduti Memoriale di San Giuliano Terme
Italy 0 m
Santi Ranieri e Luigi Gonzaga Building in San Giuliano Terme, Italy

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Santi Ranieri e Luigi Gonzaga
Santi Ranieri e Luigi Gonzaga Building in San Giuliano Terme, Italy
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"Nevilio Casarosa" Partisan Detachment Plate Plaque in memory of the partisan detachment that operated in the mountains of San Giuliano Terme

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"Nevilio Casarosa" Partisan Detachment Plate
"Nevilio Casarosa" Partisan Detachment Plate Plaque in memory of the partisan detachment that operated in the mountains of San Giuliano Terme
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Plaque on the 10th anniversary of the liberation Plaque celebrating the 10th anniversary of the liberation

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Palazzo Niccolini Palazzo in San Giuliano Terme, Italy

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Palazzo Niccolini
Palazzo Niccolini Palazzo in San Giuliano Terme, Italy
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Monumento ai caduti nella guerra 1940-45 Monument in San Giuliano Terme, Italy

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Monumento ai caduti nella guerra 1940-45
Monumento ai caduti nella guerra 1940-45 Monument in San Giuliano Terme, Italy
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Anfiteatro cava di nord-est Amphitheatre in San Giuliano Terme, Italy

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Anfiteatro cava di nord-est
Anfiteatro cava di nord-est Amphitheatre in San Giuliano Terme, Italy
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Villa Belvedere Ruinous villa in Italy

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Italy 1.1 km
Area naturale protetta di interesse locale Monte Castellare
Italy 1.1 km
« Monumento ai Caduti - memoriale di San Giuliano Terme » is provided by Around.Us ( Images and texts are derived from Wikimedia project under a Creative Commons license. You are allowed to copy, distribute, and modify copies of this page, under the conditions set by the license, as long as this note is clearly visible.