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Palace of the Porphyrogenitus

Palace of the Porphyrogenitus

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Palace of the Porphyrogenitus, Palace in Istanbul

The Palace of the Porphyrogenitus, also known as Tekfur Sarayı, is a medieval Byzantine palace.

Built during the late 13th century, it is one of the very few examples of Byzantine architecture still standing in Istanbul.

The palace has been converted into a museum and it regularly hosts cultural events.

Located near Edirnekapı in the Fatih district, the monument can be easily reached by public transportation.

It was named after the 'purple-born' prince, indicating it could have been a royal residence.

Location: Istanbul

Architectural style: Byzantine architecture

Source: Wikimedia


Palace of the Porphyrogenitus Palace in Istanbul

The Palace of the Porphyrogenitus, also known as Tekfur Sarayı, is a medieval Byzantine palace.

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