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Queen's Shoe

Queen's Shoe

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Queen's Shoe

Location: Tenerife

Source: Wikimedia


Queen's Shoe

Spain 0 m
Queen's Shoe
Spain 0 m
Roques de García Rock formation in Spain

Spain 2.9 km
Roques de García
Roques de García Rock formation in Spain
Spain 2.9 km
Roque Cinchado Rock formation in Spain

Spain 3 km
Roque Cinchado
Roque Cinchado Rock formation in Spain
Spain 3 km
Hermitage of Our Lady of the Snows Church building in Tenerife, Spain

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Hermitage of Our Lady of the Snows
Hermitage of Our Lady of the Snows Church building in Tenerife, Spain
Spain 3.2 km
Parador de Las Cañadas del Teide Mountain lodge in Spain

Spain 3.4 km
Parador de Las Cañadas del Teide
Parador de Las Cañadas del Teide Mountain lodge in Spain
Spain 3.4 km
Mount Guajara

Spain 4.5 km
Mount Guajara
Spain 4.5 km
Sanctuary of the Santo Hermano Pedro Church building in Spain

Spain 5.9 km
Sanctuary of the Santo Hermano Pedro
Sanctuary of the Santo Hermano Pedro Church building in Spain
Spain 5.9 km
Church of Saint Peter, Vilaflor Historic church in Spain

Spain 5.9 km
Church of Saint Peter, Vilaflor
Church of Saint Peter, Vilaflor Historic church in Spain
Spain 5.9 km
Teide National Park National park in Spain

Spain 6 km
Teide National Park
Teide National Park National park in Spain
Spain 6 km
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