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Sri Aastik Swami Mandir, Raebareli

Sri Aastik Swami Mandir, Raebareli

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Sri Aastik Swami Mandir, Raebareli, Hindu temple in Uttar Pradesh

The Sri Aastik Swami Mandir is a prominent Hindu place of worship situated in Raebareli.

The temple has been a significant spiritual site for many generations, deeply rooted in the local traditions.

Festivals and rituals at the temple vividly showcase the rich tapestry of Hinduism.

Visitors should respect the customs by removing shoes before entering the temple premises.

Known for its vibrant celebrations during Hindu festivals, attracting devotees from various regions.

Location: Uttar Pradesh

Source: Wikimedia


Sri Aastik Swami Mandir, Raebareli Hindu temple in Uttar Pradesh

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Sri Aastik Swami Mandir, Raebareli Hindu temple in Uttar Pradesh
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