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Glory's Portico

Glory's Portico

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Glory's Portico, Romanesque portico and the main gate of the Cathedral of Santiago de Compostela, created by Master Mateo and his workshop

Location: Santiago de Compostela

Sources: Wikimedia, OpenStreetMap


Glory's Portico Romanesque portico and the main gate of the Cathedral of Santiago de Compostela, created by Master Mateo and his workshop

Spain 0 m
Glory's Portico
Glory's Portico Romanesque portico and the main gate of the Cathedral of Santiago de Compostela, created by Master Mateo and his workshop
Spain 0 m
Palacio de Gelmírez Episcopal palace in Spain

Spain 32 m
Palacio de Gelmírez
Palacio de Gelmírez Episcopal palace in Spain
Spain 32 m
Old town of Santiago de Compostela World Heritage site in Spain

Spain 44 m
Old town of Santiago de Compostela
Old town of Santiago de Compostela World Heritage site in Spain
Spain 44 m
Cathedral of Santiago de Compostela Cathedral in Spain

Spain 57 m
Cathedral of Santiago de Compostela
Spain 57 m
Palacio Arzobispal de Santiago de Compostela Building in Santiago de Compostela built as residence of the archbishop

Spain 63 m
Palacio Arzobispal de Santiago de Compostela
Palacio Arzobispal de Santiago de Compostela Building in Santiago de Compostela built as residence of the archbishop
Spain 63 m
Botafumeiro Incense burner in Santiago de Compostela Cathedral

Spain 88 m
Botafumeiro Incense burner in Santiago de Compostela Cathedral
Spain 88 m
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