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Distrito histórico de Two Bridges

Distrito histórico de Two Bridges

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Distrito histórico de Two Bridges

Source: Wikimedia


House at 51 Market Street Historic house in Manhattan

USA 121 m
House at 51 Market Street
House at 51 Market Street Historic house in Manhattan
USA 121 m
Mariner's Temple Church in the United States of America

USA 162 m
Mariner's Temple
Mariner's Temple Church in the United States of America
USA 162 m
First Shearith Israel Graveyard Historic cemetery in New York City

USA 175 m
First Shearith Israel Graveyard
First Shearith Israel Graveyard Historic cemetery in New York City
USA 175 m
Alfred E. Smith House Historic house in Manhattan

USA 179 m
Alfred E. Smith House
Alfred E. Smith House Historic house in Manhattan
USA 179 m
St. James' Roman Catholic Church Second oldest Roman Catholic building in Manhattan, New York, United States

USA 190 m
St. James' Roman Catholic Church
St. James' Roman Catholic Church Second oldest Roman Catholic building in Manhattan, New York, United States
USA 190 m
Chinatown Fair Arcade in the United States of America

USA 291 m
Chinatown Fair
Chinatown Fair Arcade in the United States of America
USA 291 m
Confucius Plaza Apartment building in the United States

USA 310 m
Confucius Plaza
Confucius Plaza Apartment building in the United States
USA 310 m
Edward Mooney House Historic house in Manhattan

USA 312 m
Edward Mooney House
Edward Mooney House Historic house in Manhattan
USA 312 m
True Light Lutheran Church (Manhattan) Lutheran church

USA 341 m
True Light Lutheran Church (Manhattan)
USA 341 m
Church of the Transfiguration Catholic church in the United States of America

USA 364 m
Church of the Transfiguration
Church of the Transfiguration Catholic church in the United States of America
USA 364 m
Eldridge Street Synagogue Synagogue in the United States

USA 398 m
Eldridge Street Synagogue
Eldridge Street Synagogue Synagogue in the United States
USA 398 m
Daniel Patrick Moynihan United States Courthouse Courthouse in the United States

USA 415 m
Daniel Patrick Moynihan United States Courthouse
Daniel Patrick Moynihan United States Courthouse Courthouse in the United States
USA 415 m
375 Pearl Street Skyscraper in Manhattan

USA 425 m
375 Pearl Street
375 Pearl Street Skyscraper in Manhattan
USA 425 m
Atlantic Garden Historic beer garden in New York City

USA 436 m
Atlantic Garden
Atlantic Garden Historic beer garden in New York City
USA 436 m
Bowery Theatre Historic theatre in Manhattan

USA 441 m
Bowery Theatre
Bowery Theatre Historic theatre in Manhattan
USA 441 m
1 Police Plaza Police headquarters in New York City.

USA 447 m
1 Police Plaza
1 Police Plaza Police headquarters in New York City.
USA 447 m
Mulberry Bend Area in Manhattan, New York

USA 449 m
Mulberry Bend
Mulberry Bend Area in Manhattan, New York
USA 449 m
One Manhattan Square Skyscraper in Lower Manhattan.

USA 466 m
One Manhattan Square
One Manhattan Square Skyscraper in Lower Manhattan.
USA 466 m
Jarmulowsky Bank Building Historic bank building in Manhattan

USA 468 m
Jarmulowsky Bank Building
Jarmulowsky Bank Building Historic bank building in Manhattan
USA 468 m
New York City Police Department School Safety Division Police division in United States

USA 473 m
New York City Police Department School Safety Division
USA 473 m
New York County Courthouse Courthouse in New York, USA

USA 499 m
New York County Courthouse
New York County Courthouse Courthouse in New York, USA
USA 499 m
Franklin Square Former square in Manhattan, New York City

USA 536 m
Franklin Square
Franklin Square Former square in Manhattan, New York City
USA 536 m
Louis J. Lefkowitz Building Building in Manhattan, New York, United States

USA 551 m
Louis J. Lefkowitz Building
Louis J. Lefkowitz Building Building in Manhattan, New York, United States
USA 551 m
5 in 1 Sculpture in Manhattan

USA 558 m
5 in 1
5 in 1 Sculpture in Manhattan
USA 558 m
Chatham Garden Theatre Historical theatre in Manhattan

USA 570 m
Chatham Garden Theatre
Chatham Garden Theatre Historical theatre in Manhattan
USA 570 m
Thurgood Marshall United States Courthouse Court in Manhattan

USA 570 m
Thurgood Marshall United States Courthouse
USA 570 m
Triumph of the Human Spirit Monument in Manhattan, New York

USA 615 m
Triumph of the Human Spirit
Triumph of the Human Spirit Monument in Manhattan, New York
USA 615 m
Manhattan Municipal Building Government building in New York City

USA 643 m
Manhattan Municipal Building
Manhattan Municipal Building Government building in New York City
USA 643 m
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