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Blutenburg Castle

Blutenburg Castle

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Blutenburg Castle, Hunting lodge in Germany

Blutenburg Castle is a beautifully preserved Gothic style hunting lodge located within Munich, Germany.

This architectural marvel was originally established by Duke Albert III, Duke of Bavaria in the mid-15th century.

The site has been repurposed and today it houses the International Youth Library, making it a crucial cultural asset to the city.

The castle features prominent and picturesque courtyards and is easily accessible through regular public transport.

Blutenburg Castle, with its white-walled chapel and red-tiled roof tucked within lush greenery, is an emblematic symbol of the distinctive Bavarian countryside.

Location: Pasing-Obermenzing

Accessibility: Wheelchair limited access


Sources: Wikimedia, OpenStreetMap


Blutenburg Castle Hunting lodge in Germany

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