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Gut Etgendorf

Welcome to the tour of Gut Etgendorf, a historic landmark located southwest of Lipp, a district of Bedburg in the Rhein-Erft-Kreis region. This is a walled complex surrounded by water and consists of a stately manor house and renovated farm buildings. The estate has been owned by the Premonstratensian monastery of Reichenstein since 1216 and was leased out from the late 15th century until 1862 when it was acquired by the Simonius family, also known as Ritz. The manor house is a fine example of early Baroque architecture with two stories and a high hipped roof. It was built in 1605 for Peter Simonius, a councilor from Jülich, and features cross-frame windows with trachyte framing. To the west of the manor house is a two-story gatehouse with a low hipped roof and a round-arched entrance. An alliance coat of arms of the Ritz/Dürffenthal families is displayed above the entrance. At the southeast corner of the complex stands a three-story rectangular tower with a multi-stepped bell-shaped roof and a closed lantern. The Gut Etgendorf complex is a protected monument and offers visitors a glimpse into the rich history of the region. The estate is surrounded by open fields and provides a peaceful retreat from the hustle and bustle of city life. Visitors can take a leisurely stroll around the grounds and admire the beautiful architecture of the buildings. The manor house is not open to the public, but visitors can still appreciate its grandeur from the outside. Stephanie Wickerath, an expert on the estate's history, explains that the walls surrounding the complex were built to keep the water in and hold the structure together. This unique feature adds to the charm and character of the estate and makes it a must-see destination for history buffs and architecture enthusiasts. If you're looking for a unique and peaceful destination to explore, Gut Etgendorf is definitely worth a visit. The estate's rich history and stunning architecture make it a true gem in the Rhein-Erft-Kreis region.

Location: Bedburg

Source: Wikimedia


Gut Etgendorf

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Gut Etgendorf
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