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Werkbundarchiv – museum of things

Werkbundarchiv – museum of things

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Werkbundarchiv – museum of things, Design museum in Germany

The Werkbundarchiv – Museum of Things is a museum dedicated to product culture from the 20th century onwards.

It traces the history of the Deutscher Werkbund, an association of artists, architects, designers, and industrialists.

The museum's collection includes everyday objects that exemplify the marriage of art, industry, and craft.

Located in Berlin's Friedrichshain-Kreuzberg district, it's easily accessible for visitors interested in design history.

The Museum der Dinge showcases the 'good form' concept, highlighting the Werkbund's influence on modern design.

Location: Friedrichshain-Kreuzberg

Address: Oranienstraße 25, 10999 Berlin 10999

Opening Hours: Monday 12:00-19:00; Thursday-Sunday 12:00-19:00

Phone: +493092106311


Sources: Wikimedia, OpenStreetMap


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