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Memorial Johann David Ludwig Yorck von Wartenburg, Monument in Germany

The Yorck Memorial in Berlin is a dedicated statue commemorating General Johann David Ludwig Yorck von Wartenburg.

Designed by Karl Friedrich Schinkel, the monument dates back to 1855.

It signifies the Prussian spirit through its representation of General Yorck, an iconic figure in Prussian military history.

Classified as an architectural heritage monument, it stands in Berlin-Mitte attracting numerous visitors.

The statue was sculpted by Christian Daniel Rauch, adding significant artistic value to the site.

Location: Berlin-Mitte

Inception: 1855

Architect: Karl Friedrich Schinkel

Creator: Christian Daniel Rauch

Height: 2.65 m

Material: bronze, granite

Sources: Wikimedia, OpenStreetMap


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« Memorial Johann David Ludwig Yorck von Wartenburg - Monument in Germany » is provided by Around.Us ( Images and texts are derived from Wikimedia project under a Creative Commons license. You are allowed to copy, distribute, and modify copies of this page, under the conditions set by the license, as long as this note is clearly visible.