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Rectangular north basin

Rectangular north basin

Popularity :

Rectangular north basin, fountain in Tuileries Garden, Paris

Location: 1st arrondissement of Paris

Sources: Wikimedia, OpenStreetMap


Hippomenes Sculpture by Guillaume Coustou

France 17 m
Hippomenes Sculpture by Guillaume Coustou
France 17 m
Faun with a Young Goat Sculpture by Pierre Lepautre

France 14 m
Faun with a Young Goat
Faun with a Young Goat Sculpture by Pierre Lepautre
France 14 m
Atalante Sculpture by Pierre Lepautre

France 15 m
Atalante Sculpture by Pierre Lepautre
France 15 m
Rectangular north basin Fountain in Tuileries Garden, Paris

France 0 m
Rectangular north basin
Rectangular north basin Fountain in Tuileries Garden, Paris
France 0 m
Julius Caesar Sculpture by Ambrogio Parisi

France 56 m
Julius Caesar
Julius Caesar Sculpture by Ambrogio Parisi
France 56 m
Apollo Chasing Daphne Sculpture by Nicolas Coustou

France 68 m
Apollo Chasing Daphne
Apollo Chasing Daphne Sculpture by Nicolas Coustou
France 68 m
Farnese Hercules Sculpture by Giovanni Comino

France 74 m
Farnese Hercules
Farnese Hercules Sculpture by Giovanni Comino
France 74 m
Rectangular south basin Fountain in Tuileries Garden, Paris

France 73 m
Rectangular south basin
Rectangular south basin Fountain in Tuileries Garden, Paris
France 73 m
Diana with a Doe Sculpture by Guillaume Coustou

France 73 m
Diana with a Doe
Diana with a Doe Sculpture by Guillaume Coustou
France 73 m
Venus Callipyge Sculpture by François Barois

France 77 m
Venus Callipyge
Venus Callipyge Sculpture by François Barois
France 77 m
« Rectangular north basin - fountain in Tuileries Garden, Paris » is provided by Around.Us ( Images and texts are derived from Wikimedia project under a Creative Commons license. You are allowed to copy, distribute, and modify copies of this page, under the conditions set by the license, as long as this note is clearly visible.