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Jagannath Temple, Hindu temple in Odisha, India

The Jagannath Temple of Puri is a sacred Hindu temple dedicated to Lord Jagannath.

Built in the 12th century, it is one of the four 'Char Dham' pilgrimage sites.

The annual Rath Yatra or Chariot Festival attracts millions of devotees and tourists from around the world.

Non-Hindus are not allowed inside the temple, but can view it from the nearby Raghunandan Library.

The temple's kitchen is considered the largest in the world, feeding thousands of devotees daily.

Location: Puri

Creator: Indradyumna

Architectural style: Kalinga architecture

Elevation above the sea: 1 m


Source: Wikimedia


Jagannath Temple Hindu temple in Odisha, India

The Jagannath Temple of Puri is a sacred Hindu temple dedicated to Lord Jagannath.

India 0 m
Jagannath Temple
Jagannath Temple Hindu temple in Odisha, India
India 0 m
Nila Chakra Sacred wheel atop Jagannath Temple.

The Nila Chakra is a brightly colored disc mounted on the main spire of the Jagannath Temple in Puri, India.

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Nila Chakra
Nila Chakra Sacred wheel atop Jagannath Temple.
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Jagannath Temple, Dharakote
Jagannath Temple, Dharakote Hindu temple in India
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Mausi Maa Temple
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Vimala Temple Hindu temple in Puri, Odisha

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Vimala Temple
Vimala Temple Hindu temple in Puri, Odisha
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Aruna Stambha Religious Pillar of Jagannath Temple at Puri, Odisha, India

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Aruna Stambha Religious Pillar of Jagannath Temple at Puri, Odisha, India
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Puri Beach
Puri Beach Beach in Odisha, India
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Lokanatha Temple Hindu temple in India

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Lokanatha Temple
Lokanatha Temple Hindu temple in India
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Alama Chandi Temple Temple in India

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Alama Chandi Temple
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Atharanala Heritage bridge in Puri, India

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Atharanala Heritage bridge in Puri, India
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« Jagannath Temple - Hindu temple in Odisha, India » is provided by Around.Us ( Images and texts are derived from Wikimedia project under a Creative Commons license. You are allowed to copy, distribute, and modify copies of this page, under the conditions set by the license, as long as this note is clearly visible.