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Chiostro delle Rane

Chiostro delle Rane

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Chiostro delle Rane, building in Milan, Italy

Welcome to the tourist guide of the Chiostro delle Rane, also known as the small cloister, located within the complex of the church of Santa Maria delle Grazie in Milan. The Chiostro delle Rane is situated between the church and the sacristy and can be accessed from the bottom of the church or via Caradosso street through an entrance with marble jambs and surmounted by a cornice with the Latin inscription LAVS DEO, covered by a canopy. The cloister takes its name from the circular fountain located in the center of the small cloister adjacent to the church, which is adorned with four bronze statues depicting frogs spitting water. The cloister was built towards the end of the fifteenth century, probably in conjunction with the renovations of the Bramante tribune. However, there is no unanimous attribution of the cloister's design to Bramante, the author of the church's tribune. The cloister is square-shaped, with five bays on each side with Corinthian order columns in Saltrio stone supporting round arches with terracotta archivolts and brackets shaped like corbels with medallions in the spandrels. This solution is clearly inspired by the portico of the Ca' Granda del Filarete, which in turn pays homage to the Spedale degli Innocenti by Brunelleschi. The wall cladding is decorated with graffiti with wave and plant motifs, but the presence of only one layer of plaster suggests that it is not a definitive work but rather a provisional finish for an unfinished project. To fully appreciate the beauty of the Chiostro delle Rane, we recommend taking a guided tour that will allow you to learn more about the history and architecture of this unique place. During the tour, you will have the opportunity to admire the beautiful fountain with its bronze frog statues, the columns with their Corinthian capitals, and the decorative motifs on the walls. The Chiostro delle Rane is a must-see for anyone visiting Milan, especially those interested in art and architecture. Don't miss the chance to explore this hidden gem and discover its secrets!

Location: Milan

Founder: Donato Bustamante

Source: Wikimedia


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