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Cimitero della Misericordia

Cimitero della Misericordia

Popularity :

Cimitero della Misericordia, cemetery in Pisa, Italy

Location: Pisa

Architect: Paolo Diddi

Source: Wikimedia


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Santo Stefano extra moenia
Santo Stefano extra moenia Church building in Pisa, Italy
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San Giorgio ai Tedeschi
San Giorgio ai Tedeschi Italian church
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Archbishop's Palace Archbishop's palace in Pisa, Italy

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Archbishop's Palace
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Palazzo del Collegio Ferdinando Building in Pisa, Italy
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Museo Storico delle Aviotruppe
Museo Storico delle Aviotruppe Museum in Pisa, Italy
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Clinica Ortopedica Putti
Clinica Ortopedica Putti Edificio di Pisa
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San Tommaso delle Convertite Church building in Pisa, Italy

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San Tommaso delle Convertite
San Tommaso delle Convertite Church building in Pisa, Italy
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Pisa Botanic Garden and Museum
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City walls of Pisa Building in Pisa, Italy

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City walls of Pisa
City walls of Pisa Building in Pisa, Italy
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Porta a Lucca City gate in Italy

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Porta a Lucca
Porta a Lucca City gate in Italy
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Bastion Parlascio Historic bastion in Pisa

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Bastion Parlascio
Bastion Parlascio Historic bastion in Pisa
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Waldensian church in Pisa Église protestante vaudoise à Pise, en Italie

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Waldensian church in Pisa
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Palazzo Boilleau Palazzo in Pisa, Italy

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Palazzo Boilleau
Palazzo Boilleau Palazzo in Pisa, Italy
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Plaque to Leopardi The plaque indicates Leopardi's house in Pisa, where he lived for about a year

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Plaque to Leopardi
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Baths of Nero Ancient baths in Italy

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Complesso ex Salesiani Building complex in Pisa, Italy

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Complesso ex Salesiani
Complesso ex Salesiani Building complex in Pisa, Italy
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San Torpè Church

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San Torpè
San Torpè Church
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Santa Eufrasia Church building in Pisa, Italy

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Santa Eufrasia
Santa Eufrasia Church building in Pisa, Italy
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San Giuseppe Church building in Italy

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San Giuseppe
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Palazzo Venera Palace in Pisa, one of the buildings of the Department of Philology, Literature and Linguistics of the University of Pisa

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Palazzo Venera
Palazzo Venera Palace in Pisa, one of the buildings of the Department of Philology, Literature and Linguistics of the University of Pisa
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Sant'Anna Church building in Pisa, Italy

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Sant'Anna Church building in Pisa, Italy
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Plaque to Carlo Francesco Gabba Plaque in memory of the professor Carlo Francesco Gabba

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Plaque to Carlo Francesco Gabba
Plaque to Carlo Francesco Gabba Plaque in memory of the professor Carlo Francesco Gabba
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Palazzo Agonigi da Scorno Building in Pisa, Italy

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Palazzo Agonigi da Scorno
Palazzo Agonigi da Scorno Building in Pisa, Italy
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Palazzo dell'Orologio (Pisa) Historical palace in Pisa

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Palazzo dell'Orologio (Pisa)
Palazzo dell'Orologio (Pisa) Historical palace in Pisa
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Torre dei Gualandi Medieval tower in Pisa

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Torre dei Gualandi
Torre dei Gualandi Medieval tower in Pisa
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Church of St. Rocco Church building in Italy

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Church of St. Rocco
Church of St. Rocco Church building in Italy
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« Cimitero della Misericordia - cemetery in Pisa, Italy » is provided by Around.Us ( Images and texts are derived from Wikimedia project under a Creative Commons license. You are allowed to copy, distribute, and modify copies of this page, under the conditions set by the license, as long as this note is clearly visible.