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Fontana del Sarcofago

Fontana del Sarcofago

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Fontana del Sarcofago, fountain in Rome

Source: Wikimedia


Fontana del Sarcofago Fountain in Rome

Italy 0 m
Fontana del Sarcofago Fountain in Rome
Italy 0 m
Santa Maria ad Busta Gallica Church building in Rome, Italy

Italy 27 m
Santa Maria ad Busta Gallica
Santa Maria ad Busta Gallica Church building in Rome, Italy
Italy 27 m
Santa Maria inter Duo Kirchengebäude in Italien

Italy 45 m
Santa Maria inter Duo
Santa Maria inter Duo Kirchengebäude in Italien
Italy 45 m
Pedestal of colossus of Nero Ancient statue in Rome

Italy 63 m
Pedestal of colossus of Nero
Pedestal of colossus of Nero Ancient statue in Rome
Italy 63 m
Santa Maria de Ferrariis Demolished church in Rome

Italy 87 m
Santa Maria de Ferrariis
Santa Maria de Ferrariis Demolished church in Rome
Italy 87 m
Santa Maria della Pietà al Colosseo Catholic church in Italy

Italy 128 m
Santa Maria della Pietà al Colosseo
Santa Maria della Pietà al Colosseo Catholic church in Italy
Italy 128 m
Temple of Venus and Roma Ancient temple in Rome, Italy

Italy 133 m
Temple of Venus and Roma
Temple of Venus and Roma Ancient temple in Rome, Italy
Italy 133 m
Colosseum Amphitheater in Rome, Italy

Italy 153 m
Colosseum Amphitheater in Rome, Italy
Italy 153 m
Santa Maria ad nives Baroque church in Rome

Italy 156 m
Santa Maria ad nives
Santa Maria ad nives Baroque church in Rome
Italy 156 m
Arch of Constantine Triumphal arch in Rome, Italy.

Italy 183 m
Arch of Constantine
Arch of Constantine Triumphal arch in Rome, Italy.
Italy 183 m
Antiquarium Forense Museum in Rome

Italy 185 m
Antiquarium Forense
Antiquarium Forense Museum in Rome
Italy 185 m
« Fontana del Sarcofago - fountain in Rome » is provided by Around.Us ( Images and texts are derived from Wikimedia project under a Creative Commons license. You are allowed to copy, distribute, and modify copies of this page, under the conditions set by the license, as long as this note is clearly visible.