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Odeon of Bacoli, ancient Roman odeon in Bacoli, Italy

Location: Bacoli

Source: Wikimedia


Odeon of Bacoli Ancient Roman odeon in Bacoli, Italy

Italy 0 m
Odeon of Bacoli Ancient Roman odeon in Bacoli, Italy
Italy 0 m
Cento Camerelle Ancient Roman complex in Bacoli

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Cento Camerelle
Cento Camerelle Ancient Roman complex in Bacoli
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Castello Aragonese
Castello Aragonese Castle in Italy
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Parco regionale dei Campi Flegrei
Parco regionale dei Campi Flegrei Regional park in Italy
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Aqua Augusta Roman aqueduct in Italy

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Aqua Augusta
Aqua Augusta Roman aqueduct in Italy
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Piscina Mirabilis Ancient Roman cistern in Bacoli, Italy

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Piscina Mirabilis
Piscina Mirabilis Ancient Roman cistern in Bacoli, Italy
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Phlegraean Fields Archaeological Museum Archaeological museum in Italy

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Phlegraean Fields Archaeological Museum
Phlegraean Fields Archaeological Museum Archaeological museum in Italy
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Fortino Tenaglia lighthouse Lighthouse in Italy

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Fortino Tenaglia lighthouse
Fortino Tenaglia lighthouse Lighthouse in Italy
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Lago di Miseno Area protetta in provincia di Napoli
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Temple of Venus, Baiae A Hadrianic structure that is likely part of a thermal bath

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Temple of Venus, Baiae
Temple of Venus, Baiae A Hadrianic structure that is likely part of a thermal bath
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Sacello degli Augustali Archaeological site in Italy

Italy 1.7 km
Sacello degli Augustali
Sacello degli Augustali Archaeological site in Italy
Italy 1.7 km
« Odeon of Bacoli - ancient Roman odeon in Bacoli, Italy » is provided by Around.Us ( Images and texts are derived from Wikimedia project under a Creative Commons license. You are allowed to copy, distribute, and modify copies of this page, under the conditions set by the license, as long as this note is clearly visible.