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Kerch, City in Ukraine/Russia

Kerch is one of the largest cities in Crimea, with a populous urban area.

Founded around 610 BCE, Kerch is an ancient city that has been ruled by both Russia and Ukraine over different periods.

Situated at the epicenter of various cultural influences, Kerch's heritage is richly diverse and complex.

The postal code for Kerch varies from 98300 to 98399.

The city operates under two governing bodies: The Autonomous Republic of Crimea and the Republic of Crimea.

Location: Autonomous Republic of Crimea

Location: Kerch Urban Okrug

Location: Republic of Crimea

Inception: 610 BCE

Population: 149566

Elevation above the sea: 10 m


Sources: Wikimedia, OpenStreetMap


Urush qurbonlari bo‘lgan Kerch bolalariga yodgorlik Monument in Kerch, Ukraine

Ukraine 1.6 km
Urush qurbonlari bo‘lgan Kerch bolalariga yodgorlik
Ukraine 1.6 km
Church of the Assumption in Kerch Church in Kerch

Russian Federation 1.6 km
Church of the Assumption in Kerch
Russian Federation 1.6 km
Pushkin Theatre Theatre in Kerch, Crimea (Ukraine/Russia)

Russian Federation 1.6 km
Pushkin Theatre
Pushkin Theatre Theatre in Kerch, Crimea (Ukraine/Russia)
Russian Federation 1.6 km
Small Mithridates stairs Stairs in Kerch

Russian Federation 1.7 km
Small Mithridates stairs
Small Mithridates stairs Stairs in Kerch
Russian Federation 1.7 km
Volodya Dubinin monument in Kerch Monument in Kerch

Russian Federation 1.9 km
Volodya Dubinin monument in Kerch
Russian Federation 1.9 km
Kinoteatr Ukraina Cinema in Kerch, Crimea

Russian Federation 2 km
Kinoteatr Ukraina
Kinoteatr Ukraina Cinema in Kerch, Crimea
Russian Federation 2 km
Kerch Mosque Mosque in Kerch

Russian Federation 2.3 km
Kerch Mosque
Kerch Mosque Mosque in Kerch
Russian Federation 2.3 km
Port of Kerch Commercial port in Ukraine

Ukraine 2.5 km
Port of Kerch
Port of Kerch Commercial port in Ukraine
Ukraine 2.5 km
Музей морської флори і фауни (Керч) Marine museum in Crimea

Russian Federation 2.6 km
Музей морської флори і фауни (Керч)
Russian Federation 2.6 km
Melek-Chesme kurghan Burial mound in Ukraine

Ukraine 2.7 km
Melek-Chesme kurghan
Melek-Chesme kurghan Burial mound in Ukraine
Ukraine 2.7 km
« Kerch - City in Ukraine/Russia » is provided by Around.Us ( Images and texts are derived from Wikimedia project under a Creative Commons license. You are allowed to copy, distribute, and modify copies of this page, under the conditions set by the license, as long as this note is clearly visible.