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Governors Island

Governors Island

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Governors Island, Island in New York, USA.

Governors Island is a 172-acre island in Upper New York Bay, off the southern tip of Manhattan Island and separated from Brooklyn by Buttermilk Channel.

The island was used for military purposes by British forces as early as 1698 and continued to serve in that capacity under US administration until 1996 when it was sold to the people of New York.

Today, the island features an array of arts and cultural events throughout the year, including the annual Governors Island Art Fair.

Public access to the island is by ferry from either the Battery Maritime Building in Lower Manhattan or Pier 6 in Brooklyn Bridge Park.

Distinct feature of the island is The Hills, an award-winning ten acre public park designed to be resilient against the threat of rising sea levels.

Location: New York County


GPS coordinates: 40.68865,-74.01828

Sources: Wikimedia, OpenStreetMap

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