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Empire State Aerosciences Museum

Empire State Aerosciences Museum

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Empire State Aerosciences Museum, Aerospace museum in New York

The Empire State Aerosciences Museum showcases various aircraft and exhibits on aviation history.

Located at Schenectady County Airport, it was established to preserve the aerospace heritage of New York State.

The museum provides educational programs and exhibits to inspire future generations in aerospace.

Visitors can tour the outdoor airpark with guided tours available.

Features a rare collection including an early 20th century Link Trainer, used for pilot training.

Location: New York

Inception: 1984

Accessibility: Wheelchair accessible

Opening Hours: Tuesday-Sunday 10:00-16:00


Sources: Wikimedia, OpenStreetMap


Empire State Aerosciences Museum Aerospace museum in New York

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Empire State Aerosciences Museum
Empire State Aerosciences Museum Aerospace museum in New York
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