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Museum Island Hombroich

Museum Island Hombroich

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Museum Island Hombroich, Art museum in Neuss, Germany

Museum Insel Hombroich is an art museum and nature park that combines architecture, art, and nature in a unique way.

The museum was founded by Karl-Heinrich Müller in 1987.

It houses a collection of modern and non-European art, as well as architectural pieces.

The museum is open year-round and admission is free on Mondays.

The museum's buildings are scattered across the landscape, blending with the natural surroundings.

Location: Neuss

Inception: 1982

Architect: Erwin Heerich

Official opening: 1987

Opening Hours: April 01-September 30 10:00-19:00; October 01-31 10:00-18:00; November 01-March 31 10:00-17:00; December 24,December 25,December 31,January 01 off

Phone: +4921828874000



Sources: Wikimedia, OpenStreetMap


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