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Bar Lev Line, Military fortification in Egypt/Israel

The Bar Lev Line is a chain of fortifications built by Israel along the eastern coast of the Suez Canal.

Built after the Six-Day War in 1967, it was considered invincible but was breached by Egyptian forces during the Yom Kippur War in 1973.

The line's name, Bar Lev, is in honor of Haim Bar-Lev, the Israeli Chief of General Staff at the time of its construction.

Today, remnants of the Bar Lev Line can be visited in various locations along the Suez Canal.

The Bar Lev Line was equipped with an innovative water-based obstacle, known as the 'Water Wall'.

Inception: 1968

Material: reinforced concrete

Source: Wikimedia


Bar Lev Line Military fortification in Egypt/Israel

The Bar Lev Line is a chain of fortifications built by Israel along the eastern coast of the Suez Canal.

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Bar Lev Line
Bar Lev Line Military fortification in Egypt/Israel
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