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Postal Museum Japan

Postal Museum Japan

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Postal Museum Japan, Postal museum in Japan

The Postal Museum Japan showcases the history of the postal service alongside an extensive stamp collection.

Opened on March 1, 2014, it embodies Japan's rich history of mail delivery and communication networks.

Stamps exhibit reflects cultural and social changes throughout Japanese history.

Located in Oshiage, it serves as an educational resource for understanding postal services.

Holds one of the largest stamp collections in the world with over 330,000 items.

Location: Oshiage

Inception: March 1, 2014

Official opening: March 1, 2014

Address: 東京都墨田区押上1-1-2 東京スカイツリータウン・ソラマチ9F 131-8139


Source: Wikimedia


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