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Hohenzollern Bridge, Architectural heritage monument in North Rhine-Westphalia.

The Hohenzollern Bridge is a footbridge, steel bridge, and railway bridge all in one.

This architectural marvel was conceived by Franz Schwechten in May 1911.

Located in both Altstadt-Nord and Deutz, its marks the rich culture of Allemagne.

It serves as a crucial link between the two towns, accommodating pedestrians, vehicles and trains.

The bridge stands out as an arch bridge amidst many.

Location: Altstadt-Nord

Location: Deutz

Inception: May 1911

Architect: Franz Schwechten

Official opening: May 1911

Architectural style: Romanesque Revival architecture

Length: 409.19 m

Longest Span: 167.75 m

Width: 29.5 m

Material: concrete, steel

Source: Wikimedia


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