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Santuario de San Sebastián de Yumbel

Santuario de San Sebastián de Yumbel

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Santuario de San Sebastián de Yumbel, Catholic pilgrimage church in Chile

The Santuario de San Sebastián de Yumbel is a renowned religious site attracting thousands of visitors.

This sanctuary has a rich history dating back to the Spanish colonial era.

It's a place where local traditions and Catholic rituals are deeply intertwined.

Annually, the feast days draw large crowds, requiring planning if visiting during those times.

It is home to the image of Saint Sebastian, believed by many to perform miracles.

Location: Yumbel

Source: Wikimedia


Santuario de San Sebastián de Yumbel Catholic pilgrimage church in Chile

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Santuario de San Sebastián de Yumbel
Santuario de San Sebastián de Yumbel Catholic pilgrimage church in Chile
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« Santuario de San Sebastián de Yumbel - Catholic pilgrimage church in Chile » is provided by Around.Us ( Images and texts are derived from Wikimedia project under a Creative Commons license. You are allowed to copy, distribute, and modify copies of this page, under the conditions set by the license, as long as this note is clearly visible.