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Choquequirao, Incan ruins in Peru

Choquequirao is a 15th and 16th century settlement located in the Vilcabamba range of the Andes, in the Santa Teresa district.

Often referred to as Machu Picchu's sister city, Choquequirao was one of the last bastions of resistance and refuge of the Incas.

The site contains buildings, terraces, and other structures used for both religious and agricultural purposes.

Reaching Choquequirao is challenging, involving a strenuous two-day hike from outside Cusco.

Unlike Machu Picchu, Choquequirao is much less known and visited due to its remote location.

Location: Santa Teresa District

Location: Cusco

Location: La Convención Province

Inception: 1536

Source: Wikimedia


Choquequirao Incan ruins in Peru

Choquequirao is a 15th and 16th century settlement located in the Vilcabamba range of the Andes, in the Santa Teresa district.

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Choquequirao Incan ruins in Peru
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Photowalk in Choquequirao de Pariachi taller antropología unmsm Photowalk in Choquequirao by the Taller de investigación en antropología of San Marcos University

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Photowalk in Choquequirao de Pariachi taller antropología unmsm
Photowalk in Choquequirao de Pariachi taller antropología unmsm Photowalk in Choquequirao by the Taller de investigación en antropología of San Marcos University
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Ampay National Sanctuary Sanctuary in Peru
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« Choquequirao - Incan ruins in Peru » is provided by Around.Us ( Images and texts are derived from Wikimedia project under a Creative Commons license. You are allowed to copy, distribute, and modify copies of this page, under the conditions set by the license, as long as this note is clearly visible.