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Road of the Slaves, Historic path in Brazil

The Road of the Slaves is a significant landmark reflecting the dark period of slavery.

Originating in the 18th century, it was used to transport African slaves.

This route is intricately tied to the Afro-Brazilian heritage and their stories.

Part of the Estrada Real, it's now a symbol for historical reflection and tourism.

It's recognized as an IEPHA Good Class cultural site.

Location: Diamantina

Inception: 18 Century

Source: Wikimedia


Road of the Slaves Historic path in Brazil

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Road of the Slaves
Road of the Slaves Historic path in Brazil
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« Road of the Slaves - Historic path in Brazil » is provided by Around.Us ( Images and texts are derived from Wikimedia project under a Creative Commons license. You are allowed to copy, distribute, and modify copies of this page, under the conditions set by the license, as long as this note is clearly visible.