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Monument Yogya Kembali

Monument Yogya Kembali

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Monument Yogya Kembali, Monument in Indonesia

The Yogya Kembali Monument is a historical and educational tourist site located in Yogyakarta, Indonesia.

This monument was built to commemorate the Indonesian National Revolution, particularly the return of the Republic of Indonesia government from its temporary capital in Bukittinggi to Yogyakarta on 6 July 1949.

It houses a museum that displays various collections related to the struggle of the people of Yogyakarta during the Dutch occupation.

The monument is open for public visits from Tuesday to Sunday.

The monument's design symbolizes a 'banyan tree', which in Javanese philosophy signifies resilience.

Location: Mlati

Sources: Wikimedia, OpenStreetMap


Monument Yogya Kembali Monument in Indonesia

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