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Mausoleum of the Yellow Emperor

Mausoleum of the Yellow Emperor

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Mausoleum of the Yellow Emperor, Tomb in Shaanxi, China

The Mausoleum of the Yellow Emperor is a sacred site believed to be the burial place of the legendary progenitor of the Chinese nation.

Revered as a cultural hero, the Yellow Emperor is said to have ascended to heaven from this location over 4,000 years ago.

The site serves as a symbol of Chinese unity and ethnic identity, especially during the annual Qingming Festival.

The mausoleum features an impressive ceremonial archway leading to a path lined with stone statues and historical stelae.

A large sculpture of the Yellow Emperor stands prominently at the site, embodying the reverence for ancestry and heritage in China.

Location: Qiaoshan Subdistrict

Sources: Wikimedia, OpenStreetMap


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