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Rhodes Lighthouse

Rhodes Lighthouse

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Rhodes Lighthouse, lighthouse in Greece

Location: Rodos Municipality

Source: Wikimedia


St. Francis of Assisi Cathedral, Rhodes Cathedral in Rhodes

Greece 1.3 km
St. Francis of Assisi Cathedral, Rhodes
Greece 1.3 km
Venetokleio Middle School Rodou Building in Rodos Municipality, Greece

Greece 1.6 km
Venetokleio Middle School Rodou
Venetokleio Middle School Rodou Building in Rodos Municipality, Greece
Greece 1.6 km
Technical Chamber building, Rodou Building in Rodos Municipality, Greece

Greece 1.6 km
Technical Chamber building, Rodou
Technical Chamber building, Rodou Building in Rodos Municipality, Greece
Greece 1.6 km
Odeon of Rhodes Ancient Greek odeon in Rhodes, Greece

Greece 1.9 km
Odeon of Rhodes
Odeon of Rhodes Ancient Greek odeon in Rhodes, Greece
Greece 1.9 km
Acropolis of Rhodes Acropolis in Rhodes, Greece

Greece 2 km
Acropolis of Rhodes
Acropolis of Rhodes Acropolis in Rhodes, Greece
Greece 2 km
Temple of Apollo (Rhodes) Ancient greek temple

Greece 2 km
Temple of Apollo (Rhodes)
Temple of Apollo (Rhodes) Ancient greek temple
Greece 2 km
Jewish Cemetery of Rhodes Cemetery in Rodos Municipality, South Aegean, Greece

Greece 2.6 km
Jewish Cemetery of Rhodes
Jewish Cemetery of Rhodes Cemetery in Rodos Municipality, South Aegean, Greece
Greece 2.6 km
Hellenic Necropolis Rodini Park Archaeological site in Rodos Municipality, Greece

Greece 3.6 km
Hellenic Necropolis Rodini Park
Hellenic Necropolis Rodini Park Archaeological site in Rodos Municipality, Greece
Greece 3.6 km
Castle of Koskina Castle on the island of Ikaria, Greece

Greece 7.3 km
Castle of Koskina
Castle of Koskina Castle on the island of Ikaria, Greece
Greece 7.3 km
Castle of Filerimos Castle in Rhodes

Greece 9.4 km
Castle of Filerimos
Castle of Filerimos Castle in Rhodes
Greece 9.4 km
Moni Filerimou Monastery in Rodos, Greece

Greece 9.5 km
Moni Filerimou
Moni Filerimou Monastery in Rodos, Greece
Greece 9.5 km
Filerimos early christian baptistery Baptistery in Rhodes

Greece 9.5 km
Filerimos early christian baptistery
Greece 9.5 km
Ialysos Ancient city in Greece

Greece 9.6 km
Ialysos Ancient city in Greece
Greece 9.6 km
Primary School, Kremasti Rodou Building in Rodos Municipality, Greece

Greece 10.7 km
Primary School, Kremasti Rodou
Primary School, Kremasti Rodou Building in Rodos Municipality, Greece
Greece 10.7 km
Bee museum of Rhodes Museum in Greece

Greece 11.4 km
Bee museum of Rhodes
Bee museum of Rhodes Museum in Greece
Greece 11.4 km
Anthony Quinn Bay Pristine beach in Rhodes

Greece 14.4 km
Anthony Quinn Bay
Anthony Quinn Bay Pristine beach in Rhodes
Greece 14.4 km
Loryma Ancient city in Turkey

Turkey 22.9 km
Loryma Ancient city in Turkey
Turkey 22.9 km
Fragma Epta Pigon Festung in Griechenland

Greece 24 km
Fragma Epta Pigon
Fragma Epta Pigon Festung in Griechenland
Greece 24 km
Tsambika Monastery Monastery in Greece

Greece 24.9 km
Tsambika Monastery
Tsambika Monastery Monastery in Greece
Greece 24.9 km
Castle of Archangelos Burg in Griechenland

Greece 28.4 km
Castle of Archangelos
Castle of Archangelos Burg in Griechenland
Greece 28.4 km
Agios Nikolaos Foundoukli church Church building in Greece

Greece 28.5 km
Agios Nikolaos Foundoukli church
Agios Nikolaos Foundoukli church Church building in Greece
Greece 28.5 km
Kameiros Ancient city in Greece

Greece 30.3 km
Kameiros Ancient city in Greece
Greece 30.3 km
Agios Georgios (Charaki) Byzantine chapel

Greece 31.7 km
Agios Georgios (Charaki)
Agios Georgios (Charaki) Byzantine chapel
Greece 31.7 km
Hotel complex "Elafos and Elafina" Building in Rodos Municipality, Greece

Greece 32 km
Hotel complex "Elafos and Elafina"
Hotel complex "Elafos and Elafina" Building in Rodos Municipality, Greece
Greece 32 km
Hagia Irene (Malonas, Rhodes) Byzantine chapel

Greece 32.3 km
Hagia Irene (Malonas, Rhodes)
Greece 32.3 km
Feraklos Castle Castle in Greece

Greece 33.4 km
Feraklos Castle
Feraklos Castle Castle in Greece
Greece 33.4 km
St Peter and Paul Orthodox Church in Rhodes

Greece 33.9 km
St Peter and Paul
St Peter and Paul Orthodox Church in Rhodes
Greece 33.9 km
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