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Cour des Cerfs

Cour des Cerfs

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Cour des Cerfs, cour du château de Versailles

Welcome to the Cour des Cerfs, an inner courtyard of the Palace of Versailles in France. Located in the western part of the north wing of the Palace, it is one of the four inner courtyards of the Palace, along with the Petite Cour du Roi, the Cour de la Reine, and the Cour du Dauphin. The Cour des Cerfs was built by architects Le Vau and d'Orbay on the orders of Louis XIV at the end of the 17th century. They constructed a stone envelope around the old Palace of Versailles, creating two inner courtyards: the Cour du Roi to the north and the Cour de la Reine to the south. In 1740, the expansion of the building led to the separation of these two courts into two. To the north, the Cour du Roi was divided into the Cour des Cerfs to the west and the Petite Cour du Roi to the east. The Cour des Cerfs is named after the deer heads that adorn its walls. It is a beautiful courtyard with a rich history and stunning architecture. Visitors can admire the intricate details of the stonework and the grandeur of the surrounding buildings. In addition to the Cour des Cerfs, visitors can explore the other inner courtyards of the Palace, including the Petite Cour du Roi, the Cour de la Reine, and the Cour du Dauphin. Each courtyard has its own unique features and architectural style, providing visitors with a glimpse into the opulence and grandeur of the Palace of Versailles. As you explore the Palace of Versailles, be sure to take in the Baroque architecture and design elements that are present throughout the Palace. The Palace is a true masterpiece of Baroque art and architecture, and visitors will be amazed by the attention to detail and the grandeur of the Palace's design. To enter the Palace of Versailles, visitors must pass through the Portail du Baroque, a grand entrance that sets the tone for the opulence and beauty that awaits inside. Once inside, visitors can explore the Palace's many rooms and galleries, including the Hall of Mirrors, the Royal Apartments, and the Chapel. Overall, the Cour des Cerfs is a must-see destination for anyone visiting the Palace of Versailles. With its rich history, stunning architecture, and beautiful surroundings, it is sure to leave a lasting impression on all who visit.

Location: Versailles

Source: Wikimedia


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« Cour des Cerfs - cour du château de Versailles » is provided by Around.Us ( Images and texts are derived from Wikimedia project under a Creative Commons license. You are allowed to copy, distribute, and modify copies of this page, under the conditions set by the license, as long as this note is clearly visible.