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Old Parliament House, Legislative building in India

Parliament House, also known as Sansad Bhavan, is the house of the Parliament of India, located in New Delhi.

The foundation stone of the Parliament House was laid on 12 February 1921 and the construction took six years and cost Rs. 83 lakhs.

Designed by British architects Edwin Lutyens and Herbert Baker, the Parliament House is a symbol of Indian democracy and governance.

The circular edifice houses the two Houses of Parliament, the Rajya Sabha (Council of States) and the Lok Sabha (House of the People).

The Central Hall of the Parliament House has been historically significant as it witnessed the transfer of power from the British to the Indians.

Location: New Delhi

Inception: 1927

Architects: Edwin Lutyens, Herbert Baker

Official opening: January 18, 1927

Source: Wikimedia


Old Parliament House Legislative building in India

Parliament House, also known as Sansad Bhavan, is the house of the Parliament of India, located in New Delhi.

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