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Messina Cathedral, Cathedral in Messina, Italy

Messina Cathedral is a grand Roman Catholic cathedral located in the heart of Messina, Italy.

Originally built in the 12th century, the cathedral has been rebuilt several times due to earthquakes and fires.

The cathedral's astronomical clock tower, one of the largest in the world, performs daily at noon.

Visitors can climb the bell tower for panoramic views of the city and harbor.

The cathedral houses the sacred remains of King Conrad, ruler of Germany and Sicily in the 13th century.

Location: Messina

Architectural style: Gothic architecture

Source: Wikimedia


Messina Cathedral Cathedral in Messina, Italy

Italy 0 m
Messina Cathedral
Messina Cathedral Cathedral in Messina, Italy
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Palazzo Calapaj - d'Alcontres Building in Messina, Italy
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Quattro Fontane Fountain in Messina, Italy
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Palazzetto Coppedè Building in Messina, Italy
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San Tommaso Church building in Messina, Italy
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Palazzo del Monte di Pietà Historic palace in Messina, Italy
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Santa Maria Alemanna
Santa Maria Alemanna Church in Italy
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« Messina Cathedral - Cathedral in Messina, Italy » is provided by Around.Us ( Images and texts are derived from Wikimedia project under a Creative Commons license. You are allowed to copy, distribute, and modify copies of this page, under the conditions set by the license, as long as this note is clearly visible.