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North Holland, Province in the Netherlands

North Holland is a province of the Netherlands located in the northwestern part of the country. It includes Amsterdam, Haarlem, and other significant cities.

Established in 1840, North Holland was once part of a larger region called Holland, which was later divided into two provinces.

Traditional Dutch windmills, tulip fields, and cheese markets are part of North Holland's rich cultural heritage.

North Holland is easily accessible by rail, road and air, with Schiphol Airport being one of Europe’s biggest airports.

The province has a coastline on both the North Sea and the IJsselmeer.

Location: Netherlands

Inception: 1840

Capital city: Haarlem

Population: 2813466

Phone: +3108000200600


Sources: Wikimedia, OpenStreetMap


North Holland Province in the Netherlands

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North Holland
North Holland Province in the Netherlands
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Soestdijk Palace
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