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Constanța, Big city in Romania

Constanta, the oldest continuously inhabited city in Romania, is located on the Black Sea coast.

Originally established as Tomis by the Greeks in 600 B.C., it was later renamed to Constanta after the sister of Emperor Constantine the Great

The city houses the Museum of National History and Archeology, showcasing the rich culture and history of the region.

With a postal code that ranges from 900003-900746, it’s essential to confirm the specific area when visiting or mailing items.

Possessing an alluring coastline, Constanța is Romania's largest sea port.

Location: Constanța County

Capital city: Constanța

Population: 263707

Elevation above the sea: 25 m

Address: Bd. Tomis nr.51, cod 900725 900003–900746


Sources: Wikimedia, OpenStreetMap


Constanța Big city in Romania

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Constanța Big city in Romania
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Port of Constanța The largest port in the Black Sea.

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Port of Constanța
Port of Constanța The largest port in the Black Sea.
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Marine Museum
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State Theatre Constanța Theatre in Constanța, Romania

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State Theatre Constanța
State Theatre Constanța Theatre in Constanța, Romania
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Art museum of Constanta Heritage site in Constanța County, Romania

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Art museum of Constanta
Art museum of Constanta Heritage site in Constanța County, Romania
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National Opera and Ballet Theatre Oleg Danovski Opera house in Constanta, Romania

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National Opera and Ballet Theatre Oleg Danovski
National Opera and Ballet Theatre Oleg Danovski Opera house in Constanta, Romania
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Tomis amphitheatre Roman amphitheatre in Constanța, Romania

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Tomis amphitheatre
Tomis amphitheatre Roman amphitheatre in Constanța, Romania
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Mihai Eminescu National College Historic school in Romania

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Mihai Eminescu National College
Mihai Eminescu National College Historic school in Romania
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Hunkiar mosque in Constanța Heritage site in Constanța County, Romania

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Hunkiar mosque in Constanța
Hunkiar mosque in Constanța Heritage site in Constanța County, Romania
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Museum of Folk Art in Constanța Heritage site in Constanța County, Romania

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Museum of Folk Art in Constanța
Museum of Folk Art in Constanța Heritage site in Constanța County, Romania
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« Constanța - Big city in Romania » is provided by Around.Us ( Images and texts are derived from Wikimedia project under a Creative Commons license. You are allowed to copy, distribute, and modify copies of this page, under the conditions set by the license, as long as this note is clearly visible.