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Mausoleum of Sayyida Ruqayya

Mausoleum of Sayyida Ruqayya

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Mausoleum of Sayyida Ruqayya, Mausoleum in Cairo

The Mausoleum of Sayyida Ruqayya is an architectural marvel celebrated for its intricate designs.

The site honors Sayyida Ruqayya, the daughter of Imam Hussein and a revered figure in Islamic history.

Pilgrims and visitors are immersed in the spiritual atmosphere that pervades this sacred space.

The mausoleum is found within the bustling streets of Cairo's historic city center.

Sayyida Ruqayya's tomb is a place of solace and attracts devotees from around the Muslim world.

Location: Cairo

Location: Cairo Governorate

Elevation above the sea: 30 m

Source: Wikimedia


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