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New Safari Hotel

New Safari Hotel

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New Safari Hotel

Location: Arusha Region

Source: Wikimedia


New Safari Hotel

Tanzania 0 m
New Safari Hotel
Tanzania 0 m
Arusha clock tower

Tanzania 176 m
Arusha clock tower
Tanzania 176 m
Arusha Declaration Monument Memorial in Tanzania

Tanzania 759 m
Arusha Declaration Monument
Arusha Declaration Monument Memorial in Tanzania
Tanzania 759 m
Aschenkegel des Mount Meru Mountain in Tanzania

Tanzania 16.6 km
Aschenkegel des Mount Meru
Aschenkegel des Mount Meru Mountain in Tanzania
Tanzania 16.6 km
Arusha National Park National park in Tanzania

Tanzania 20.5 km
Arusha National Park
Arusha National Park National park in Tanzania
Tanzania 20.5 km
Ngurdoto Crater Crater in Tanzania

Tanzania 27.3 km
Ngurdoto Crater
Ngurdoto Crater Crater in Tanzania
Tanzania 27.3 km
Kikuletwa Hot Springs Hot springs in Tanzania

Tanzania 56.1 km
Kikuletwa Hot Springs
Kikuletwa Hot Springs Hot springs in Tanzania
Tanzania 56.1 km
Kitumbeine Volcano Mountain in Tanzania

Tanzania 76.7 km
Kitumbeine Volcano
Kitumbeine Volcano Mountain in Tanzania
Tanzania 76.7 km
Kilimanjaro National Park National Park in Tanzania

Tanzania 76.8 km
Kilimanjaro National Park
Kilimanjaro National Park National Park in Tanzania
Tanzania 76.8 km
Lake Manyara Biosphere Reserve Biosphere reserve in Tanzania

Tanzania 78.5 km
Lake Manyara Biosphere Reserve
Lake Manyara Biosphere Reserve Biosphere reserve in Tanzania
Tanzania 78.5 km
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