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Welcome to the tourist guide of the Qingfan Temple Pagoda, located in the Beisi Lane of Xingping City, Shaanxi Province. This pagoda is commonly known as the Xingping North Pagoda and has been designated as a second batch of cultural relics protection units in Shaanxi Province since 1957. In 2013, it was listed as the seventh batch of national key cultural relics protection units. The Qingfan Temple was first built in the first year of the Tang Dynasty's Zhenguan era (627 AD) and was later renamed Bao Ning Temple during the third year of the Northern Song Dynasty's Taiping Xingguo period (978 AD). Today, only the pagoda remains. The pagoda was built during the Tang Dynasty and is a brick tower in the form of a pavilion. It is hollow inside and has an octagonal shape with a base length of 4.35 meters. It has a total of seven floors and stands at a height of 38.6 meters. As you approach the Qingfan Temple Pagoda, you will be greeted by its magnificent structure that stands tall and proud. The pagoda is surrounded by lush greenery and a serene atmosphere that makes it a perfect place for relaxation and meditation. Upon entering the pagoda, you will notice the intricate details of the architecture that reflect the rich history and culture of the Tang Dynasty. The interior of the pagoda is spacious and well-lit, allowing visitors to appreciate the beauty of the structure up close. As you climb up the stairs to the top of the pagoda, you will be rewarded with breathtaking views of the surrounding landscape. From the top, you can see the entire city of Xingping and the nearby mountains, making it a popular spot for photography enthusiasts. In addition to its historical significance, the Qingfan Temple Pagoda also serves as a spiritual center for Buddhists. Visitors can participate in various Buddhist activities and ceremonies held at the temple throughout the year. Overall, a visit to the Qingfan Temple Pagoda is a must for anyone interested in history, culture, and spirituality. Its stunning architecture, breathtaking views, and peaceful atmosphere make it a truly unforgettable experience.

Location: Xingping

Material: brick

Source: Wikimedia



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