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Maria Laach Abbey, Benedictine abbey in Germany

Maria Laach Abbey is a Benedictine abbey situated on the southwestern shore of the Laacher See, near Andernach, in the Eifel region of the Rhineland-Palatinate in Germany.

Founded in 1093, Maria Laach Abbey has a history that spans over nine centuries.

The abbey's six-towered church, considered a masterpiece of German Romanesque architecture, is a major cultural highlight.

The abbey also houses a hotel and a bookstore, making it a popular tourist destination.

Maria Laach Abbey is home to a renowned scientific publishing house, the 'Maria Laach Verlag'.

Location: Maria Laach

Location: Glees

Inception: 11 Century

Architectural style: Romanesque architecture


Source: Wikimedia


Maria Laach Abbey Benedictine abbey in Germany

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Maria Laach Abbey
Maria Laach Abbey Benedictine abbey in Germany
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