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Super-Cannes water tower

Super-Cannes water tower

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Super-Cannes water tower

Welcome to Cannes, a beautiful city located on the French Riviera. Today, we will be exploring the Super-Cannes water tower, also known as the California water tower. The Super-Cannes water tower was built in 1926 by the Société lyonnaise des eaux et de l'éclairage to provide water to the Super-Cannes housing development, which was being developed by the Société immobilière de Paris et du littoral. The tower is located at the top of the California massif in Cannes and was part of a larger network of water distribution that spanned 24 kilometers to supply water to the future residences and gardens. Originally, the tower was intended to have a belvedere, a tea room, and luxury shops, but these were never realized. Instead, the Société immobilière de Paris et du littoral constructed an observation tower on a nearby site while waiting for the construction of the Grand Hotel de Super-Cannes. However, this observatory was later demolished to make way for the hotel's construction. Today, visitors can still admire the Super-Cannes water tower's impressive architecture and enjoy the stunning views from its location atop the California massif. While there are no longer any plans for a tea room or luxury shops, the tower remains a popular tourist attraction and a symbol of the city's history and development. To reach the Super-Cannes water tower, visitors can take a short hike up the California massif or drive to the nearby parking lot. From there, it's just a short walk to the tower, where you can take in the breathtaking views of the surrounding area. In conclusion, the Super-Cannes water tower is a must-see attraction for anyone visiting Cannes. Its unique history and stunning architecture make it a fascinating destination for tourists and locals alike. So come and explore this iconic landmark and discover the beauty of Cannes for yourself!

Location: Cannes

Inception: 1926

Architectural style: eclectic architecture

Source: Wikimedia


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