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Fortress of Luxembourg, Fortress in Luxembourg.

The Fortress of Luxembourg refers to the former fortifications of Luxembourg City, which were mostly dismantled in 1867.

Constructed gradually over several centuries, from as early as the tenth century up until the eighteenth century, it was a prized fortification and pivotal for various historical European conflicts.

It is now part of the UNESCO World Heritage Sites list, emphasizing its impact on local culture and heritage.

Visitors can explore the remaining fragments of the fortress and the Bock Casemates, a complex of tunnels and galleries used in warfare.

Despite the major demolitions in 19th century, it's still one of the largest fortresses in Europe.

Location: Luxembourg

Accessibility: Wheelchair limited access

Opening Hours: 24/7


Sources: Wikimedia, OpenStreetMap


Notre-Dame Cathedral Cathedral in Luxembourg City

Luxembourg 118 m
Notre-Dame Cathedral
Notre-Dame Cathedral Cathedral in Luxembourg City
Luxembourg 118 m
Grand Ducal Palace Palace in Luxembourg

Luxembourg 227 m
Grand Ducal Palace
Grand Ducal Palace Palace in Luxembourg
Luxembourg 227 m
Bock Castle in Luxembourg

Luxembourg 474 m
Bock Castle in Luxembourg
Luxembourg 474 m
National Museum of Archeology, History and Art Museum in Luxembourg

Luxembourg 309 m
National Museum of Archeology, History and Art
Luxembourg 309 m
Luxembourg City History Museum Historical museum in Luxembourg

Luxembourg 253 m
Luxembourg City History Museum
Luxembourg City History Museum Historical museum in Luxembourg
Luxembourg 253 m
Hôtel de la Chambre des Députés Parliament building in Luxembourg

Luxembourg 210 m
Hôtel de la Chambre des Députés
Hôtel de la Chambre des Députés Parliament building in Luxembourg
Luxembourg 210 m
Corniche (Luxemburg) Picturesque promenade in Luxembourg

Luxembourg 279 m
Corniche (Luxemburg)
Corniche (Luxemburg) Picturesque promenade in Luxembourg
Luxembourg 279 m
National Museum of Natural History, Luxembourg Natural history museum in Luxembourg

Luxembourg 415 m
National Museum of Natural History, Luxembourg
National Museum of Natural History, Luxembourg Natural history museum in Luxembourg
Luxembourg 415 m
Hôtel de Bourgogne Historic palace in Luxembourg

Luxembourg 161 m
Hôtel de Bourgogne
Hôtel de Bourgogne Historic palace in Luxembourg
Luxembourg 161 m
Denkmal der Großherzogin Charlotte Monument in Luxembourg

Luxembourg 177 m
Denkmal der Großherzogin Charlotte
Denkmal der Großherzogin Charlotte Monument in Luxembourg
Luxembourg 177 m
Three Towers Gate Gate tower in Luxembourg

Luxembourg 373 m
Three Towers Gate
Three Towers Gate Gate tower in Luxembourg
Luxembourg 373 m
Codex Mariendalensis Manuscript in Luxembourg

Luxembourg 68 m
Codex Mariendalensis
Codex Mariendalensis Manuscript in Luxembourg
Luxembourg 68 m
Colline des canons Historic site in Luxembourg

Luxembourg 418 m
Colline des canons
Colline des canons Historic site in Luxembourg
Luxembourg 418 m
Pulvermuhl Viaduct Viaduct in Luxembourg

Luxembourg 694 m
Pulvermuhl Viaduct
Pulvermuhl Viaduct Viaduct in Luxembourg
Luxembourg 694 m
Refuge Sankt Maximin Building in Luxembourg

Luxembourg 142 m
Refuge Sankt Maximin
Refuge Sankt Maximin Building in Luxembourg
Luxembourg 142 m
Monument Michel Rodange on Place Guillaume II Denkmal in Luxemburg

Luxembourg 70 m
Monument Michel Rodange on Place Guillaume II
Luxembourg 70 m
Hôtel des Terres Rouges Building in Luxembourg

Luxembourg 208 m
Hôtel des Terres Rouges
Hôtel des Terres Rouges Building in Luxembourg
Luxembourg 208 m
Goethe-Gedenkstein Goethedenkmal in Luxemburg (Stadt)

Luxembourg 436 m
Goethe-Gedenkstein Goethedenkmal in Luxemburg (Stadt)
Luxembourg 436 m
Biiser Gate

Luxembourg 683 m
Biiser Gate
Luxembourg 683 m
Stierchen Bridge in Luxembourg

Luxembourg 555 m
Stierchen Bridge in Luxembourg
Luxembourg 555 m
Former Clinique Saint-François in Luxembourg City Ehemaliges Krankenhaus in Luxemburg

Luxembourg 345 m
Former Clinique Saint-François in Luxembourg City
Former Clinique Saint-François in Luxembourg City Ehemaliges Krankenhaus in Luxemburg
Luxembourg 345 m
Fontaine Hämmelsmarsch

Luxembourg 224 m
Fontaine Hämmelsmarsch
Luxembourg 224 m
Viaduc de Clausen Pont ferroviaire luxembourgeois

Luxembourg 765 m
Viaduc de Clausen
Viaduc de Clausen Pont ferroviaire luxembourgeois
Luxembourg 765 m
National Monument of Luxembourg Solidarity Monument in Luxembourg, Luxembourg

Luxembourg 442 m
National Monument of Luxembourg Solidarity
National Monument of Luxembourg Solidarity Monument in Luxembourg, Luxembourg
Luxembourg 442 m
Giant Bible of Echternach 11th Century illuminated bible in the National Library of Luxembourg

Luxembourg 68 m
Giant Bible of Echternach
Giant Bible of Echternach 11th Century illuminated bible in the National Library of Luxembourg
Luxembourg 68 m
Biergahornen op der Corniche Part of the remarkable tress in Luxembourg

Luxembourg 341 m
Biergahornen op der Corniche
Biergahornen op der Corniche Part of the remarkable tress in Luxembourg
Luxembourg 341 m
Europahaus Building in Luxembourg

Luxembourg 256 m
Europahaus Building in Luxembourg
Luxembourg 256 m
Bluttbuch bei der Méchelskierch Part of the remarkable tress in Luxembourg

Luxembourg 413 m
Bluttbuch bei der Méchelskierch
Bluttbuch bei der Méchelskierch Part of the remarkable tress in Luxembourg
Luxembourg 413 m
Fontaine aux colombes

Luxembourg 457 m
Fontaine aux colombes
Luxembourg 457 m
« Fortress of Luxembourg - Fortress in Luxembourg. » is provided by Around.Us ( Images and texts are derived from Wikimedia project under a Creative Commons license. You are allowed to copy, distribute, and modify copies of this page, under the conditions set by the license, as long as this note is clearly visible.