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Pakistan, Islamic Republic in South Asia

Pakistan, officially the Islamic Republic of Pakistan, is a country in South Asia bordered by India, Afghanistan, Iran, and China.

Founded in 1947 as a homeland for India's Muslim minority, Pakistan has a rich history dating back thousands of years.

Its diverse culture reflects its many ethnic groups, traditions, and languages including Urdu, Punjabi, Sindhi, and Pashto.

Pakistan is known for its stunning landscapes from the Himalayas to the Arabian Sea, significant archaeological sites, and delicious cuisine such as biryani and kebab.

The highest paved international road, the Karakoram Highway, is in Pakistan.

Inception: August 14, 1947

Capital city: Islamabad

Population: 223773700


Sources: Wikimedia, OpenStreetMap


Pakistan Islamic Republic in South Asia

Pakistan 0 m
Pakistan Islamic Republic in South Asia
Pakistan 0 m
Mohenjo-daro Ancient city in Pakistan

Pakistan 451.9 km
Mohenjo-daro Ancient city in Pakistan
Pakistan 451.9 km
Harmandir Sahib Sikh temple in India

India 374.9 km
Harmandir Sahib
Harmandir Sahib Sikh temple in India
India 374.9 km
Harappa Archaeological site in Punjab, Pakistan

Pakistan 158.8 km
Harappa Archaeological site in Punjab, Pakistan
Pakistan 158.8 km
Rani ki vav Stepwell in Gujarat, India

India 725.4 km
Rani ki vav
Rani ki vav Stepwell in Gujarat, India
India 725.4 km
Hawa Mahal Palace in Jaipur, India

India 586.4 km
Hawa Mahal
Hawa Mahal Palace in Jaipur, India
India 586.4 km
Bhangarh Fort Haunted fort in India

India 609.6 km
Bhangarh Fort
Bhangarh Fort Haunted fort in India
India 609.6 km
Nanga Parbat Mountain in Pakistan

Pakistan 629.4 km
Nanga Parbat
Nanga Parbat Mountain in Pakistan
Pakistan 629.4 km
Amarnath Temple Hindu shrine in Jammu and Kashmir, India

India 590.3 km
Amarnath Temple
Amarnath Temple Hindu shrine in Jammu and Kashmir, India
India 590.3 km
Taxila Ancient city in Pakistan

Pakistan 407 km
Taxila Ancient city in Pakistan
Pakistan 407 km
Bhakra Dam Hydroelectric dam in India

India 509.8 km
Bhakra Dam
Bhakra Dam Hydroelectric dam in India
India 509.8 km
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