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Gebel Barkal and the Sites of the Napatan Region

Gebel Barkal and the Sites of the Napatan Region

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Gebel Barkal and the Sites of the Napatan Region

Source: Wikimedia


Jebel Barkal Sacred mountain in Sudan

Sudan 1.2 km
Jebel Barkal
Jebel Barkal Sacred mountain in Sudan
Sudan 1.2 km
Temple of Amun, Jebel Barkal Temple in Sudan

Sudan 1.5 km
Temple of Amun, Jebel Barkal
Sudan 1.5 km
Jebel Barkal Museum Museum in Sudan

Sudan 1.6 km
Jebel Barkal Museum
Jebel Barkal Museum Museum in Sudan
Sudan 1.6 km
Karima Museum Museum in northern state, sudan

Sudan 1.7 km
Karima Museum
Karima Museum Museum in northern state, sudan
Sudan 1.7 km
Sanam, Sudan Historical site in Sudan

Sudan 5.6 km
Sanam, Sudan
Sanam, Sudan Historical site in Sudan
Sudan 5.6 km
Pyramid of Taharqa at Nuri Grave of some sort

Sudan 11 km
Pyramid of Taharqa at Nuri
Pyramid of Taharqa at Nuri Grave of some sort
Sudan 11 km
El-Kurru Lake in Sweden

Sudan 14.7 km
El-Kurru Lake in Sweden
Sudan 14.7 km
Fourth cataract of the Nile Nilstromschnelle im Sudan, heutzutage vom Merowe-Stausee überdeckt

Sudan 35.9 km
Fourth cataract of the Nile
Fourth cataract of the Nile Nilstromschnelle im Sudan, heutzutage vom Merowe-Stausee überdeckt
Sudan 35.9 km
Throne Hall of Dongola Ancient palace in Sudan

Sudan 118.3 km
Throne Hall of Dongola
Throne Hall of Dongola Ancient palace in Sudan
Sudan 118.3 km
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