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Muhammed El-Ensari Türbesi

Muhammed El-Ensari Türbesi

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Muhammed El-Ensari Türbesi, İstanbul'da tarihî yapı

Welcome to Istanbul, a city that is rich in history and culture. As your tourist guide, I would like to take you on a journey to explore one of the most significant historical sites in Istanbul, the Muhammed El-Ensari Türbesi. Located in the Ayvansaray neighborhood of the Fatih district, along the Haliç coastal road, the Muhammed El-Ensari Türbesi is a mausoleum that houses the tomb of Muhammed El-Ensari. He was a participant in the Arab campaign that was organized to conquer Istanbul, and he died during the campaign. The tomb was built at the place where he passed away. It is said that he was a friend of Ebu Eyyûb el-Ensarî. The location where the tomb is situated is also known as "Babul Ensari," "Ensar Dede," and "Parmakkapı." The tomb was constructed using cut stone blocks, and it has a roof that covers it. The entrance of the tomb has the signature of II. Mahmud, who was the Ottoman Sultan during the time when the tomb was renovated. The Muhammed El-Ensari Türbesi is an excellent example of Ottoman architecture and design. The tomb has undergone several renovations over the years, but it still retains its original charm and beauty. The Hatice Sultan Sıbyan Mektebi is located next to the tomb on the right side. As you visit the Muhammed El-Ensari Türbesi, you will be able to experience the rich history and culture of Istanbul. You will also be able to appreciate the intricate details and design of the tomb, which is a testament to the skill and craftsmanship of the Ottoman architects and builders. In conclusion, the Muhammed El-Ensari Türbesi is a must-visit destination for anyone who is interested in history and culture. As your tourist guide, I hope that you will enjoy your visit to this beautiful and significant historical site.

Location: Ayvansaray

Location: Istanbul Province

Location: Fatih

Source: Wikimedia


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