Popularity :
Butler Building, mansion used as the headquarters of the U.S. Public Health Service
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Longworth House Office Building
56 mRichards Building
61 mCannon House Office Building
123 mRayburn House Office Building
182 mBust of Sojourner Truth (U.S. Capitol)
194 mThe Rescue
194 mApotheosis of Democracy
197 mSpirit of Justice Park
225 mDiscovery of America
267 mNational Statuary Hall Collection
269 mThe Apotheosis of Washington
269 mUnited States Capitol Visitor Center
270 mUnited States Congress
272 mStatue of Freedom
283 mUnited States Capitol
284 mCourt of Neptune Fountain
285 mWashington's Tomb
293 mThomas Jefferson Building
302 mUnited States Capitol Crypt
303 mUnited States Capitol rotunda
304 mUnited States Capitol dome
304 mLibrary of Congress Prints and Photographs Division
306 mJames Madison Memorial Building
334 mOhio Clock
347 mLibrary of Congress
358 mMary Pickford Theater
358 mBartholdi Fountain
362 mJames A. Garfield Monument
368 m
« Butler Building - mansion used as the headquarters of the U.S. Public Health Service » is provided by Around Us (aroundus.com). Images and texts are derived from Wikimedia project under a Creative Commons license. You are allowed to copy, distribute, and modify copies of this page, under the conditions set by the license, as long as this note is clearly visible.