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Chiesa di Santa Maria de Armenis, church in Matera, Italy

Welcome to Matera, a city in southern Italy known for its ancient cave dwellings and stunning rock churches. Today, we will be exploring one of the most unique and historically significant churches in the area - the Chiesa Rupestre di Santa Maria de Armenis. History: The Chiesa Rupestre di Santa Maria de Armenis is a place of worship located within the Sassi di Matera. The church has been documented since 1094 and was part of an ancient Benedictine monastery. It is believed that the church was named after the Armenian community that settled in Matera. From 1660 to 1774, it housed the Confraternity of San Francesco da Paola and later became part of the Seminario di Palazzo Lanfranchi. Architecture: The church's facade is in a late Romanesque style and is topped with blind arches. The entrance door features a round arch with the inscription "Santa Maria de Armenis." The interior consists of three apse-shaped naves with arches and walls that preserve traces of ancient frescoes, trapezoidal capital columns, and a courtyard accessed through a decorated portal where the rooms of the ancient monastery overlook. Visiting: To visit the Chiesa Rupestre di Santa Maria de Armenis, you can take a guided tour or explore on your own. The church is open to visitors every day from 9 am to 6 pm. Admission fees may apply, but they are usually very reasonable. When visiting the church, be sure to take your time to appreciate the unique architecture and historical significance of this ancient place of worship. You can also take a moment to reflect and enjoy the peaceful atmosphere inside the church. Conclusion: The Chiesa Rupestre di Santa Maria de Armenis is a must-see destination for anyone interested in history, architecture, or religion. Its unique location within the Sassi di Matera and its rich history make it a truly special place to visit. So, come and explore this fascinating church and discover the beauty and wonder of Matera.

Sources: Wikimedia, OpenStreetMap


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