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Kita-ku, Ward in Kyoto, Japan

Kita-ku is one of the eleven wards in the city of Kyoto, in Kyoto Prefecture, Japan.

The ward was established on September 1, 1955, when the city expanded its administrative boundaries.

Kita-ku is renowned for hosting traditional Japanese temples and gardens.

As a district of Kyoto, Kita-ku offers various transportation options including bus and train services.

Kamigamo Shrine, an important Shinto sanctuary dating from the 7th century, is located in Kita-ku.

Location: Kyoto

Inception: September 1, 1955

Population: 116495


Sources: Wikimedia, OpenStreetMap


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Kurama-dera Buddhist temple in Kyoto, Japan.
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Imamiya Shrine
Imamiya Shrine Shinto shrine in Kyoto, Japan
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Tadasu no Mori Shrine forest in Japan
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