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Света Петка (Русе)

Света Петка (Русе)

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Света Петка (Русе), church building in Ruse, Bulgaria

Welcome to the city of Ruse, Bulgaria! Today we will be visiting the beautiful church of "Sveta Petka", which is a must-see attraction for anyone visiting this historic city. The church was built in 1939 and the foundation stone was laid on August 27th of that year. The project for the church was designed by the local architect Lyuben Dinolov in May of 1939. Construction began in the same year by the local master-builder Nikola Ivanov Kolchev. The architectural design of the church is a bold and successful attempt to recreate the Round Church in Preslav, which was built by Tsar Simeon I. It was reconstructed for the first time in the sketches of the architect Dr. Alexander Rashenov at the Sofia National Museum. Funds for the construction of the new church were provided by the Cathedral Church "Sveta Troitsa" and its candlestick - 488,503 BGN, the churches "Sveti Georgi", "Sveti Nikolay" and "Sveta Bogoroditsa" - a total of 228,872 BGN. The funds for the construction were provided several times by the Municipality of Ruse. As you enter the church, you will be struck by its stunning architecture and intricate details. The interior of the church is adorned with beautiful frescoes and icons, which are a testament to the rich cultural heritage of Bulgaria. One of the most interesting features of the church is its bell tower, which stands tall and proud above the city skyline. Visitors can climb to the top of the tower for a breathtaking view of the city and the surrounding countryside. Overall, a visit to the church of "Sveta Petka" is a must for anyone interested in history, culture, and architecture. So come and explore this beautiful church and discover the rich history and traditions of Bulgaria.

Location: Ruse

Source: Wikimedia


Света Петка (Русе) Church building in Ruse, Bulgaria

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Света Петка (Русе) Church building in Ruse, Bulgaria
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« Света Петка (Русе) - church building in Ruse, Bulgaria » is provided by Around.Us ( Images and texts are derived from Wikimedia project under a Creative Commons license. You are allowed to copy, distribute, and modify copies of this page, under the conditions set by the license, as long as this note is clearly visible.